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More that an enterprise of computer services (center of production and intégrateur eTechnologies), PI-GROUPE wants to be to be for Senegal a center of the communication, main piece of a device of search for-action regulation making intervene the different actors of the communication and the energy for the purpose of the exchange.

Endowed currently with a platform of management of computer projects and development software package on line ERP type, oriented telecommuting, PI-GROUPE assures :

  1. A global follow-up of all projects of the enterprise.
  2. A mastery of the development of a project to all these stages, some phase analyzes to the final phase of production.
  3. The nomadism (telecommuting) because the platform allows work from afar and its security.
  4. A specialization in the offer of services by networks.
  5. A modular and steady aspect of the software packages (open system permitting the addition of module and functionality according to the customer’s future needs, and without losing the information already recorded by the customer), a communication with the customer (on line complaint system) and a security increased of the exchanges of information.

PI-GROUPE , whose seat is in Dakar, has for objective to endow itself with a flexible and light antenna in the level of every region and township. Flexible because it should be a sort of "ticket window communication" by a decentralized process (region or common) or to the level of the seat of a big Association to national or regional cover. It would be light because, according to the evolution of the infrastructures and the needs of the actors, an antenna can change tutelage.

Besides the objective to become the reference concerning NTIC (New Technologies of information and the Communication) in the country, the institutional device of PI-GROUPE has for vocation to put in relation the different participating actors to the events of a type given around virtual communities in the domain of the enterprise (especially in the networks of enterprises Partners), associative and of the scientific research.

The PI-GROUPE enterprise , once operational, could inspire cooperation on the subject with other countries of the under region confronted to situations that, for multiple reasons, are even less satisfactory than the one of the development of the NTIC in Senegal. It is the case of Guinea, Mali, Burkina, Niger, etc.

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