
Identifiants personnels

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Today, Dakar and its peripheral regions are about to become active zones of development of the exchanges by the slant of the new technologies of information and the communication, having in general for consequence a strong economic and social development of Senegal and can be more extensively the under-region.

The fashions of communications and information are in use thus nearby :

  1. Of the met actors, agents of the state, operators of networks and suppliers of access, outside intervening parties and "financial backers", managers of cyber spaces, tradesmen men and women.
  2. Of other types of actors as the producers, the carriers, the migrants.

It was therefore natural to us to consider the creation of an enterprise :

  1. whose final objective would be to improve the exchanges
  2. according to the real needs of the actors concerned
  3. and of the means capable to be available.

This objective cannot be reached that by a natural access to the new technologies. Indeed, information is the raw material on which works the enterprises and tradesmen, by nature actors of the communication in the spaces of the exchange.

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