
Identifiants personnels

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Giving an access personalized to the different members of the enterprise, our products (know more...) permit to assign a set of services to the customer via a software package, accessible to some teams or groups of works.

Software package of Management for the organization of the Enterprises...

  1. To search for , to exploit , to archive information.
  2. To manage the C ommercial management and A ccountant management .
  3. To manage the groups of work of the E nterprise.
  4. To master the relation with the C ustomer.

These services, put once in place, assure :

  1. A hierarchical organization.
  2. The distribution of the power (decentralization & delegation of power).
  3. An organization of the human resources.
  4. An optimization of the forecasting and the management of the time.
  5. A management of information and its treatment.
  6. The registration of information.
  7. An ordering and an archive of information.
  8. A management of the bouquets of services.
  9. An administrative management.

know more...

  • Our solutions software package is developed under technology PI : framework 5 layers oriented 100% Object .

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