
Identifiants personnels

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Proposing to our customers of the solutions integrated of dynamics website with secured administration and complete, we permit a global control of information thus according to the following criterias:

  1. its integration.
  2. its editorial follow-up and correction.
  3. its publication.
  4. its storage.
  5. its safeguard.

We also integrate a system of statistical effective with diagram, permitting to shell and to treat information for a better analysis marketing of its activities or/and searches for partners and sponsors:

  1. Statistical by visit, by page, by language, by period...
  2. Statistical by region and country.
  3. Statistical by read document.

Our services integrated to our solutions are very various:

  1. Services visitor personalized (publication, forum, newsletter...).
  2. Services administrator (editorial follow-up, safeguard, statistical...).
  3. Services extranet personalized according to the group of adherence of the user.
  4. Services SMS .
  5. Services E-business .
  6. Services association .
  7. Other services on such demand the treatment of data base.

know more...

  • Our solutions web is developed under the technology SPIP : System of publication for Internet .
  • know more:

Ressources & Publications

Veuillez trouver ci-dessous les ressources et publications sélectionnées par nos mains.