
Identifiants personnels

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The coordination with the federations having admitted a partnership with the network of the partners of PI-GROUPEE is for an economic interest reason either strategic, either because create by PI-GROUPE (PENTCH-BI BI, INDIGO), operate himself according to a convention and a very precise legal setting. A procedure of integration of all new federation within the network foreseen to this effect is drawn then according to criterias of ethical to define together.


1 organization of the network

objectives of this network
In the setting of struggle against the farming poverty and taking into account the wealth of our villages in matters of men and women, the villages have interest to encourage and to push the PI-LEARNING plan, NIT-WORK and AFRO AFRO-GRID to permit to pull resources to the profit of the populations in the periods of soldering.

legal shape and organization of the network and federations
This network even functions him like a federation having for object:

  1. The analysis of the needs of the different present entities in the villages members.
  2. The renting of the platform to conventional prices fixed in the beginning of every civil year.
  3. The sharing of the profits recorded to the level of the structures of every village implied in the network (grouping of the federations members of the network, G.I.E and / or P.M.I members of the federations of the network).

This network unifier has for vocation to become implanted in all villages members of the network.

needs of creation of groupings of regional and farming federations

  1. Every village must endow itself with an organization permitting the follow-up, the good management, the maintenance and the payment of the services allocated by the members of the network.
  2. The Groupings of the federations members, containing G.I.E and / or P.M.E, are endowed then with statutes and interior regulation and understand the administrative members and the beneficiary members.

partnerships of synergy to search for

  1. One searches for the involvement of some NGO on the land in order to help them to format the project and to organize it.
  2. The partnership of the mutual of saving and credit and / or the Agricultural Credit of Senegal is useful for the working of the network.

legal shape and organization of the groupings of federations
Every grouping of a federation member is organized then under the shape of a G.I.E as follows:

  1. The President of the G.I.E.
  2. The Commission of Development.
  3. The Commission of Management.
  4. The Commission of Control.

investments of the groupings of federations
In every Grouping of a federation member, it is foreseen:

  1. The commercial window of renting of services.
  2. The room plots server permitting the lodging of the services offered locally.

2 How to become member and the advantages

To become member, please take contact directly with us so that the steps to follow are given you.

To make parties of the network offers many advantages. Here are some of it:

  1. Access to resources of help to the management of enterprise.
  2. Access to resources of help to the administrative management and accountant dune society.
  3. Access to models of contracts, document or letters types.
  4. Access to resources for a better orientation of your business.
  5. Access to resources for a better convenient of the communication within your enterprise.
  1. To benefit from a bigger suppleness in the negotiation of contract.
  2. To benefit from an address notebook more large and surer.
  3. To benefit the right exclusively to the renting of reserved computer services to the members of the networks that have need of it.

3 The members partners

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