
Personal identifiers

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1 Consulting


1.1 Consulting Survey

We grant the time necessary to this stage often underestimated to tores and let’s structure it through a methodology constructed in 10 years of experience, that gave its proofs by our references.

The objective is to identify your needs, rules of management, your processes and fashion of working so that the solution integrates naturally in your society and contribute quickly to its development.

The appraisal of our chiefs of projects allows to make the model your needs expressed complex and to make hatch those that remain to express.


1.2 Consulting Audit

PI-GROUPE puts to your disposition a team of engineers experienced in the domain of the New Technologies and the platforms of test for your studies of feasibility.

You have need of :

  1. To analyze the applications and systems of existing information in their environment.
  2. To define the state of your "Hard & Soft" network.
  3. Of an expert for a better analysis.
  4. Need of a specification techniques.

PI-GROUPE is there to find the solutions adapted to your needs and your economic environment.

PI-GROUPE brings you its fundamental knowledge of which you have need to analyze the organization, information and the communication of your society.


2 Conception & development

Since 5 years, the R&D PI-GROUPE team develops an appraisal and an unique know-how in development of applications Rich software packages with the help of the most advanced technologies.

Our team creates the software allying innovation, ergonomics, performance and hardiness thanks to methods of conception and management of rigorous and tried projects.

Specialist of the technologies php5 Object, PI-GROUPE develops some applications revolutionary, dynamic and functional "rich" software packages: Nearer of the users, more ergonomic, more living, more attractive... Of the software decidedly turned toward the users, their satisfaction and their efficiency!


2.1 Applications Software package Web on-measure

A software package is a platform that allows to the customers, to the partners or to the subsidiaries of an enterprise, an access to resources of the enterprise (estimate, stock, document of follow-up of the orders) through the intermediary of an interface web.

The access to the software package makes itself of secured manner. It can be about either of an authentification by name of user and password for a connection since an usual computer, either of an authentification with the help of a password to unique use received via a SMS to reach there since any bound computer internet.

A Software package Web permits to optimize your time :

  1. The different actors of a project don’t waste anymore time to search for the useful documents everywhere, nor to wait that the documents their arrive. They can know the state of advancement and to reach on the news that concerns them.
  2. A system of control guarantees you an optimal security.
  3. You that decide what user will have access to what information and just as easily you can withdraw this right instantaneously. The data that are on your software package are protected on several geographically distant servers in order to guarantee the safeguard of your data.

A Software package Web offers you many advantages :

  1. Accessibility 24h/24h and 7j/7.
  2. Accessibility of your enterprise, from your home and since a nomadic station.
  3. Fast and simple installation of a new user (a less than one minute it can be operational).
  4. Specific development according to your needs professions.
  5. Your data are in security.

2.2 Platforme PI

All tools and technologies used are beforehand free of right without need of licenses to pay for, what corresponds to a complete respect of the laws in the sector of the data processing.

The platform permits the realization of software package oriented object PHP 5 making left of the family of the Web Services; that is to say that they are accessible of where, than her that either the machine and the operating system used, under the condition to have access to the inter clean. This last point has a considerable consequence therefore on the security of the software package.

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The platform respects several points therefore concerning the security :

  1. The availability of the application and its good working (not of cut or stop of the server).
  2. Non disclosure of the confidential data (basis of the customer).
  3. Integrity of the data (not of erasing of the data bases, of insertion of external data).
  4. Integrity of the software packages supported and of their pictures (not of diversion and abusive use).

Then, for what concerns the protocol of communication between the server and the client machines, the platform permits to use the SSL protocol (it is the same protocol that some banks use as the General Society, for the management of accounts receivable). For it, a certificate deprived to the society must be put in place. Thus, all information passing in transit between the client machine and the server are encoded, and nearly impossible to decipher if they are recovered by a third person.

Finally, identifying them and the verification of the users permits an advanced security. Identifying them and password is encoded (128 bits). at the time of the access to one page, the user is verified as well as its IP address in order to limit the falsifications of identity.

The last technologies concerning development have been used :

  1. Process of modelling of the data basis.
  2. Process of modelling object of the software package.
  3. Programming object in PHP 5.
  4. Strict CSS for the graphic interface.
  5. Compatibility with navigators Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla.
  6. Server dedicated Linux Fedora and server Apache.
  7. SSL protocol for the communication between the server and the machines customer.


  1. To propose a methodology of development.
  2. To manage several teams within several projects.
  3. To facilitate the exchange of information between the different teams.
  4. To keep a very definite development quality always.
  5. To answer the needs of the developers more quickly.
  6. To open out a new project very quickly.
  7. To adapt and to make evolve quickly the platform and to least cost.
  8. To use to best the last technologies of information.

To the level programming, PI is constructed around a normalization of the methods and techniques used :

  1. a norm of coding.
  2. a norm for the technical documentation.
  3. a frame marks for the development of an application.
  4. a process of realization constructs on UML and proposing an iterative advancement and incrementable.

The development of the platform PI rests on a professional conception, the architecture 5 layers (separation between the access to the data base, the treatment of the tables and the display of the content) :

  1. a physical layer.
  2. a layer of abstraction of access to the data base (DataObject).
  3. a layer corresponding profession to the classes of PI.
  4. a layer application.
  5. a layer presentation.



2.3 Engagements very for a lasting relation

PI-GROUPE proposes the development to order to the forfeit of software or software modules. We can intervene at all times in your process of conception and development, dice the phase of definition of the needs, to take in charge the conception, the realization, the test and the maintenance of your solution :

  1. Respect of the delays.
  2. Respect of the costs.
  3. Clear engagement on the content, the deliverable and their level of quality.
  4. Transparent communication.
  5. Reactivity and flexibility.

3 Web management

PI-GROUPE provides all type of services, of the conceptualization of your interactive communication strategy to the realization of all multimedia support.

We assure the realization of the graphic charter, the development of the models and functionalities, the realization of the global architecture, the on line stake, the supply of the documentation.


3.1 Consulting

  1. Technical audit and diagnosis.
  2. Ergonomic and editorial recommendations.
  3. Writing functional specifications.
  4. Follow-up and coordination of the project.

3.2 Web Marketing

  1. Setting up of a communication map.
  2. Viral marketing.
  3. Email Marketing.
  4. Advertisement online.
  5. Sponsoring, Affiliation, Reference of website.
  6. Promotion of events.
  7. Strategies costumer supporter.

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The marketing is the set of the actions, tools and techniques put in work by an organization in order to promote the growth of its commercial activities.


  1. The web marketing (or cyber marketing) is the branch of the marketing that analyzes and puts in work a strategy marketing thanks to the network and to the Internet tools.
  2. The web marketing permits to establish a tie between the Internet tools and the systems of information of the enterprise to the look of a global strategy of communication aiming to reach the targeted clientele.


  1. To sell.
  2. To harvest demands of contact.
  3. To collect telephonic calls.
  4. To harvest demands of estimate.
  5. To make know you.

The marketing internet consists in maximizing the results. That means to get a maximum of returns for a same number of visitors.


3.3 Graphic creation

  1. Conception of visual identity.
  2. Design of website.
  3. Graphic interface.

3.4 Web creation

  1. Website "on-measure" without or with data bases.
  2. Dynamic website under SPIP technology.
  3. Takes in account of the W3C norms and the rules of accessibility, compatible with navigators IE6+, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Safari, as well as an integration of graphic charter of DHTML/CSS3 type and an use of the technologies of development php5, javascript, Ajax.

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3.5 Formation

  1. Takes in hand of your website.
  2. Retouching and graphic optimization.

3.6 Lodging

  1. Lodging on server.
  2. Technical maintenance.
  3. Management counts e-mail.

3.7 Maintenance

  1. Animation.
  2. Competitive eve.
  3. Technical administration.
  4. Analysis of the positioning and propositions of improvement.

4 Design

The offered services go from the conception to the impression of all communication support as :

  1. Print.
  2. Logotype.
  3. Research of name.
  4. Tablets.
  5. Catalogs, booklets, books, magazines, Newspapers to the tabloïde format.
  6. Posters, unfolding.
  7. All printed supports :
  • Notebooks of invoice, slips of delivery.
  • Hardback shirts.
  • Registers.
  • Labels.
  • Business cards.


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